Facilities and AV/Tech Information

Most conference events will be held in the Kirner-Johnson Building (KJ).  The Bradford Auditorium (KJ Aud, KJ 125) and the Red Pit (KJ 127) are both technology-enhanced classrooms.  These classrooms are equipped with Mac hardware that runs both Windows and Lion so you can choose the operating system you're most comfortable with (i.e., dual platform Mac & PC computer podiums), data projector, DVD and CD players, internet, and user-operated microphone on the podium.  ITS recommends that you bring your presentation materials on a flash drive and bring your laptop or tablet as a back up.  (If you do bring a laptop, please be sure that you have the appropriate VGA adapter.)  Having each presenter use the resident computer will ease the transition of presenters.  You may also want to upload your documents to Google Drive which you can then access on the computer in the room via internet.  We will have Kensington slide advancement remotes with a laser pointer available for your use.

If you have any special requests or questions regarding the classroom technology please contact Claire Skjellerup, Audiovisual Services Coordinator, (315) 859-4120;  FAX: (315) 859-4185.  Click here to visit the AV web site.

Neither room has a piano, so if you require a keyboard, please notify Lydia Hamessley by July 15.  We can provide an electronic keyboard for you.

Most performances for the conference will be held in Wellin Hall in the Schambach Center for the Performing Arts, which is adjacent to the Kirner-Johnson Building.  Click here for more technical info about Wellin Hall.

Wireless internet access is available in all of these locations.